Client: Elabora - Node Soc. Coop.

Elabora (now known as Node Soc. Coop.) Is a consulting company specializing in the provision of services to cooperatives belonging to the Confcooperative system and to small and medium-sized enterprises operating throughout the country.


The company needed to be faster in the development of projects and in the provision of resources to the Confcooperative system throughout the country, managing the technological infrastructures and related services. Carrying out a complete outsourcing of the Rome Data Center was the option chosen to obviate the need.

OUR WORK has designed and built for Elabora a new “turnkey” cloud information infrastructure system configured as a DCaaS service (Data Center as a Service) to guarantee the delivery of processing capacity, memory and storage in “Allocated Resources and pay per use “. The solution that fits the customer’s needs was based on Cisco’s FlexPod, that is a completely software defined Datacenter (whose control and hardware configuration are created and maintained by intelligent software systems) with very fast implementation and implementation times. The Cloud platform allows ample flexibility, scalability and security in the management of Confcooperative’s IT resources. All the Cloud infrastructure was transferred to the Datacenter in Milan in via Caldera al MIX with excellent connectivity performance. has therefore made available its skills as a system integrator and service provider, allowing Elabora to exploit the widest potential to give the best technology available to all the associated Cooperatives.


In 2016, gave its customer the ability to easily manage, according to the Cloud logic, the data and information of over 20,000 cooperatives associated with Elabora, minimizing the transfer times of information within the information system, with a precise and rapid data matching and guaranteeing a high level of physical and logical security to the system and the information processed.

They say about us

They say about us: “Thanks to we are much more flexible in the production of services to our users of the Confederal network and we now have the possibility to exploit a wide potential to give Confcooperative Cloud and private Cloud services to member cooperatives.”


Vincenzo Marino, General Manager of Elabora.