19 May Microsoft Education Partner: we want to believe in the Future
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Being an Authorized Education Partner (AEP) means actively participating in the continuous and global process of innovation and education for the future.
“Enhance the skills of today’s students to create the world of tomorrow.”
This is the goal of the Digital Education project promoted and advanced by Microsoft through its Partner Network.
Microsoft Education is the fruit of what for the US giant has for years been of utmost importance: the constant attention to innovations, the solutions to be promoted today to improve the future, take and carry out a continuous updating and improvement of the approach to issues of the future.
The promotion of innovation is encouraged by Microsoft through numerous channels and services provided for the benefit of customers, students and teachers such as:
- Powerful and flexible platforms to easily manage and develop applications;
- Cutting-edge tools available to the classes, to allow them to access a world of options to create and collaborate, building the skills that will be required in tomorrow’s work;
- Experiences that stimulate and inspire creativity, preparing the creators and potential visionaries of tomorrow through fun and collaborative activities: climate and environment that are ideal for creating creativity, curiosity and ideas;
- Global empowerment of skills that involves young people and teachers, embracing attitudes, predispositions and interests of those who, at a young age, live a phase of intellectual fervor, hunger for knowledge and the desire to grow.
Being an Authorized Education Partner (AEP) ) means actively participating in this continuous and global process of innovation and education for the future, through the dissemination of educational contents and the tools and technological means indispensable for what we are talking about.
The partner involved in the distribution of Microsoft equipment, contributes decisively to the popularization of high technology designed to bring the world of education and education to the maximum level.
The mission of Microsoft Education is to encourage every student and educator to do more and more and achieve even higher goals.
Inspire them and encourage them to share opinions, points of view, reflections, ideas, to teach and learn through exploration, to develop a deep knowledge of the technologies that surround us, thus preparing to change the world of tomorrow.
Because those who connect businesses making them smart always look to the future and to tomorrow.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]