28 Jun Digital Transformation: what do Italians think?
[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The process of renewal and revolution called Digital Transformation is a great opportunity for innovation in our country. It should be guided step by step according to a strategy defined and implemented by a dedicated manager, who is not always the Chief Digital Officer (already present in many organizations) but will lead in the next few years to the creation of new roles and tasks.
It is also essential that digital skills are disseminated and embraced by all components of the organization, to make the environment extremely productive and aligned to change, as well as finding and inserting new talent with new skills.
No matter how fast or slow the process is, the transformation is undoubtedly already in place in the world market. The digital revolution is already giving new form to the business but the real effects of Digital Transformation, both in terms of results and returns in investment, have yet to come.
But what do the Italian professionals think? Are we really ready for such a change?
A large proportion of professionals are deeply convinced that companies that do not align themselves with the Digital Transformation will suffer a significant collapse in terms of competitive strength and value.
The Digital Transformation, in fact, will upset (and in some cases destroy) the business models currently in place in many companies in the country.
Below are the data of a research conducted by Nextvalue on a panel of Italian professionals. Let’s see what they think:
- Will Digital Transformation revolutionize the way companies do business?
7% No
23% Yes
70% Absolutely yes
- Will companies that do not embrace Digital Transformation lose their competitive advantages?
12% No
20% Yes
68% Absolutely yes
- Within three years, will the DT completely change the business model of your company?
16% No
37% Yes
47% Absolutely yes
- From your point of view, when will Digital Transformation become a factor of success for your company?
38% Within the next two years
21% Within the next three years
16% Within the next 12 months
14% Time expired: we are fighting for our survival
6% It will never become a critical factor
5% I do not know
Source: NextValue, Cybersecurity in Italy. What’s next, 2017, http://www.nextvalue.it/insights/?postID=6575
Digital Transformation is now not just a prediction but pure reality. And getting ready is a must for companies that are aiming for the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]