Cloud Migration

Cloud migration to a customized solution: rely on

What is Cloud Migration

Migrating to a custom cloud solution allows companies significant cost savings and productivity improvements. While cloud applications are designed to make management simple and seamless, that doesn’t mean you can’t request customizations and integrations with other cloud apps. offers the possibility of using cloud migration to tailor-made cloud solutions, private clouds or hybrid clouds that meet the needs of the company. We offer the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage to streamline workflows.

How to make a successful cloud migration

If you don’t have bespoke cloud solutions, you could easily end up paying more than you need to in monthly cloud subscriptions and have more tools to manage than you actually need.


Get the most out of your cloud platforms by relying on’s cloud migration, to customize them and to perfectly suit your workflow and security needs.

Do you want to know more about cloud migration?

Benefits of custom cloud migration with

There are a number of workflows that involve manual activities. These may include the need to physically move data from one platform to another or place file folder-level access permissions. Not only do manual tasks take valuable time, they also lead to more errors than automated processes. The accuracy rate for automatic data entry is 99.99% versus 96% for manual entry. Through custom integrations and automations, data entry from one platform to another can be automated, saving time and improving data accuracy.

Data breaches and cyber attacks remain a major concern for companies, but many of them don’t know how much customizations of their cloud apps could improve their IT security status. Cloud migration allows you to take advantage of services that offer the possibility of implementing customized security policies for aspects such as user access and document management, things that can improve data and network security by reducing the time required to administer policies safety. Features such as multi-factor authentication can significantly reduce the risk of a credential data breach, but are generally not enabled by default while you can enable it with a bespoke cloud of choice after cloud migration.

By implementing simple strategies that make data accessible where it is needed, you can reduce the minutes of multiple workflows throughout the day, improving user productivity. An IT professional can detect anything that is blocking users and have them put their energy into their businesses and, as a result, implement solutions through cloud service customizations that address those barriers and streamline processes.

If you are an accounting firm, you will have different cloud needs than an online retailer, however there are maybe some similar aspects such as the need to create documents. When customizing your use of cloud apps, you can often integrate an add-on into a platform that you may already be using to support industry-specific needs and that will avoid having to adopt an entirely new platform to get a specific functionality needed for your work process.

One mistake that companies often make is purchasing a new cloud subscription for their users for a specific need that could have been met with a customization of their current cloud solution.


We will help you plan the migration to the cloud of your Data Center, without stress, without downtime and in total security. If your company has a complex network, you cannot be satisfied with standardized and low-cost solutions. Rely on a Cloud Architect, with certified experience and skills, who will be able to guide you in the right way towards IT Outsourcing.


Contact us today for cloud migration advice.