Server Consolidation

Increase in efficiency and agility

Server Consolidation: what is it?

Server consolidation is a way to create a more efficient IT environment by combining servers or replacing legacy servers with virtual systems, cloud or SaaS products.


Server consolidation is a popular service for using hardware and resources more efficiently. It’s a great opportunity for IT to save the budget, especially considering that so few servers are used up to their full capacity.


Server consolidation is therefore exactly what it sounds like and essentially consists of consolidating hardware for more effective use.

Server Consolidation:

IT cost reduction

Reduction of overall IT costs by more than 50% and hardware requirements with a ratio of 10 to 1 or better


Increased server usage

Increase the usage of each server: up to 80% and decrease energy costs by 80%. Reduce server load growth and data center expansion



Capital and operational expenses halved, with annual savings of over € 1,500 per virtualized server


Resource optimization

The machines on which the server consolidation is performed use resources more efficiently to offer services in a more efficient way


Easy maintenance, backup, and recovery

Server consolidation facilitates maintenance and updating operations and allows data to be backed up and recovered quickly


Increased productivity

Thanks to server consolidation and virtualization, productivity and the amount of services offered increase and there is also a very rapid deployment or a very quick service release time thanks to the use of this technology


Increased security

Using virtualized servers there is also an increase in system security and the security systems themselves are much more effective than those implemented on concrete machines.

Do you want to know more?

Server Consolidation via cloud and SaaS

Using cloud and SaaS tools is also an important part of the server consolidation plan. Cloud file sharing and storage products and developer products offer unique ways to push tasks and archiving out of the office.


These tools allow you to move memory and processing power off the network. Even if you don’t use cloud products for file sharing, you can take the processing power out of your network, allowing you to save those resources for more important tasks for which you can use a virtualized or dedicated server.


All of this saves operating costs almost immediately, which is often the goal of consolidation. Minimizing and potentially eliminating the overhead costs of operational maintenance and physical storage of the network infrastructure is a huge benefit. Cost savings such as the square footage the hardware once lived on, the money spent on power consumption, and ongoing hardware maintenance costs – all contribute to a significant cost reduction.


Ask for advice on server consolidation


Virtualization technology allows you to run multiple operating systems and applications on a single server, increasing the efficiency of the data center. It is the most effective way to reduce IT expenses while increasing efficiency and agility. This technology is ideal not only for large companies but also for small and medium-sized businesses.


Ask for personalized advice on the server consolidation service: save costs, optimize resources, increase security and productivity in the company. Contact us now!