Legal Information

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General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Products and Services S.p.A.

Registered office: Via Roberto Lepetit, 8/10 – 20124 Milano
Phone.: +39 02 97 084 111
Fax.: +39 02 97 084 444
Registered at the Milan Chamber of Commerce, Register of Companies with registration number 03979950874
Share Capital: € 652.900,00 fully paid
VAT: 03979950874


Material Rights on the Website
The website is managed directly by The copyright and all other rights (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights) relating to the material contained on this website are our property; in the case of material whose rights we do not own, the insertion on the site takes place with the authorization of the holder of the rights.

As a visitor to this website, you may not copy, adapt or distribute any of the contents of this website without our authorization, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.
Both the name “” and our logos belong to and are registered. Other distinctive signs, such as logos, designs, names of products, services or company names, may constitute trademarks, also registered, of or third parties.
All rights reserved.


Privacy, Confidentiality and Data Protection

The interested party (User or visitor of the site) is informed that the EU Regulation 679/2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data will be definitively operational from 25 May 2018.
In accordance with the provisions of the new EU Regulation of Article 5, the treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency in respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the person concerned,
with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

This information is subject to updates, which will be publicized on the site.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is the Eng. Francesco Mazzola, reachable at the following contact points:

at Registered Office of the Company in  Roberto Lepetit, 8/10 – 20124 Milano
Phone.: 02 97 084 111
Fax.: 02 97 084 444

All reports in terms of non-compliance, possible violations or ex-requests will be addressed to the RPD. Art 17 (right to cancel your personal data)


Learn more about our Privacy and Data Protection Information S.p.A. and the Confidentiality of Information

In carrying out its activities, may enter into confidential, confidential or classified customer information, but uses integrated solutions dedicated to the management of data protected by Community legislation 679/2016 (GDPR), as well as the prevention of any illegal or unauthorized access to such data. In fact, has a certified information processing system according to the ISO27001: 2013 standard and is therefore obliged to keep confidential the information relating to the activities of the Customer which it will become aware of in relation to the provision of the services and undertakes to engage its own staff to keep this information confidential.


To find out more go to the appropriate section of the site


The Charter of Services
Our Service Charter is part of the continuous program of quality promotion and transparency in relation with the Client who has seen certify its Internet Service Provider services according to the strict requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 and now through the publication of the Charter, establishes the commitments of the Company and the rights of its Customers regarding the provision of IP services.
The Charter was drawn up according to the scheme set forth in Resolution No. 179-03-CSP of Authority for the Guarantee of Communications.
The Card provides all the useful information to forward reports, proposals, requests for clarification and complaints. In addition, the Charter provides the standards of the service such as continuity, regularity of supply delivery and timeliness of its restoration in case of disruption, which are to be considered valid under normal operating conditions.

This further effort of transparency and professionalism is a testament to the continuous improvement process of the company and of all its partners and collaborators.

The Charter of Services

Information and suggestions

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