Service Chart

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The profound legislative changes that have taken place in recent years have forced public and private administrations to undergo a significant change of course from which the values ​​and attitudes that have characterized the behavior of public and private operators have profoundly changed.

The goal of the centrality of the user, with respect to a service provided, is today the obligatory choice of every company that wants to appropriate the primacy of efficiency and effectiveness.


All this did not happen by chance, but is rather an expression of the increased involvement of citizens in the political, economic and social life of the country and the progressive recognition of citizenship and social participation rights.


The Service Charter, as part of a structured program to promote quality and transparency in relationships, establishes the commitments of the Company and the rights of its Customers regarding the provision of its Services.


The Charter was drafted according to the outline of the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers of 27 January 1994 and according to the directives referred to in the Resolution of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications no. 179/03 / CSP, 131/06 / CSP, 244/08 / CSP, 79/09 / CSP and guarantees the commitments and standards in the provision of the Services by communicating them to the public and the competent authorities.


The Charter implements Resolution 670/20 / CONS regarding the amendments to the application regulation on the procedures for resolving disputes between users and operators via the Conciliaweb platform.


The Charter provides all useful information for forwarding reports, proposals, requests for clarification and complaints. In addition, the Charter provides the standards of services such as continuity, regularity of delivery of the supply and the timeliness of its restoration in the event of a disruption, which are to be considered valid under normal operating conditions.


The services provided by are aimed at satisfying the needs of customers. The disbursement takes place in compliance with the principles of clarity, equality, impartiality, continuity, participation, efficiency and effectiveness.


The Service Charter is flanked by the General Conditions of Sale, which govern the existing contractual relationships with our customers in accordance with Legislative Decree 6 October 2005 n. 206, relating to the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts, recognizing the consumer the right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 31.1.2007 n. 7, converted into law, with amendments, by art. 1 law 2 April 2007, n. 40 and subsequently integrated by the Law of 4 August 2017, n. 124 (“Annual law for the market and competition”).


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